10 Largest Explosion Ever Recorded in History

The explosion, whatever its form is a disaster in a life. In certain cases the explosion could kill thousands of people and also cause loss of life life miserable. In this post will present 10 major explosion ever recorded and known to man. some of its happening on earth and well-documented visually and transcripts of historical research scientist scientist (prehistoric explosion), and the rest is a blast outside the earth is recorded by a research study from the study of the origins of the universe and natural order of the universe (big bang). Here the sequence starting from the explosion of "smallest" is happening on earth and ends with an explosion incident in the order of the universe single number. Okay congratulations to read and hopefully add to their repertoire of knowledge all of his friends. Let's Start
10.The Texas City Disaster.
Fire SS.Grandcamp cargo ship docked in Texas during 1947, 2300 tons of ammonium nitrate to blow up which is a compound used in fertilizers and high explosives. The explosion blew the two planes that are flying off a chain reaction and blow up refineries as well as other cargo ships carrying around 1,000 tons of ammonium nitrate. The disaster killed around 600 people and injuring about 3,500, and is generally considered the worst industrial accident in U.S. history.

9. The Halifax Explosion
.In 1917, a French cargo ship loaded with explosives for World War I collided with a Belgian ship in the port of Halifax, Kanada.Kapal It exploded with more force than man-made bomb blast before it, which is equivalent to about 3 kilotons of TNT . The explosion made ​​of white smoke billowing as high as 20,000 feet (6,100 meters) above the city and triggering tsunami reached as high as 60 feet (18 meters). For nearly 1.2 miles (2 km) which surrounds the center of the explosion, total destruction, and about 2,000 people were killed and 9,000 wounded. Flinging shards of glass from the explosion that reverberated in the surrounding cities have been blinded thousands of people, even the anchor was thrown dozens twenty miles from the place originally.

8. Ledakan Chernobyl,In 1986, a nuclear reactor in Chernobyl Ukraine (Soviet Union) exploded. It was the worst nuclear accident in history. The explosion, which blew the 2,000 ton reactor lid, transmit 400 times more radioactive fallout from atomic bomb on Hiroshima, contaminating more than 77,000 square miles (200,000 square km) in Europe. Approximately 600,000 people are exposed to high doses of radiation, and more than 350,000 people to be evacuated from contaminated areas. This explosion happened I've also discussed this in my blog.
7. The Trinity Blast,The first atomic bomb in history, dubbed "the gadget," was detonated at Trinity Site near Alamogordo, NM, in 1945, exploded with a force of about 20 kilotons of TNT. Nuclear weapons and ending the era of World War II and ushered in decades of fear of nuclear destruction (Hiroshima Nagasaki bombing). Scientists recently discovered that the civilians in New Mexico have been exposed to thousands of times higher due to radiation from the recommended limits.

6. Ledakan Tunguska,Podkamennaya mysterious explosion near the Tunguska River in 1908 which flattened some 500,000 acres (2,000 square kilometers) of Siberian forest, an area nearly the size of Tokyo. Scientists argue that the explosion was caused by a cosmic impact from an asteroid or comet probably 65 feet (20 meters) in diameter and 185,000 metric tons in mass - more than seven times that of the Titanic. The resulting explosion could have been as strong as four megatons of TNT - or 250 times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.

5. Ledakan Mount Tambora,In 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia exploded with a force of about 1,000 megatons of TNT, the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history. The explosion threw out about 140 billion tonnes of magma, and not only killed more than 71,000 people on the island of Sumbawa and Lombok nearby, but the ashes were reportedly creating a global climate change. The following year, 1816, became known as the Year Without a Summer, snow fell in June in Albany, NY, river ice seen in July in Pennsylvania, and hundreds of thousands of people died of hunger around the world

4.The K-T Extinction Impact Event,The end of the dinosaur era, ending with a predicted disaster occurred 65 million years ago and killed roughly half of all species on this planet. Although research suggests the planet was on the verge of an environmental crisis before the Cretaceous-Tertiary or KT extinction, according to some researchers the possibility of cosmic impactvast sites crater roughly 110 miles or 180 km Chicxulub, the territory of Mexico.

3. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter in spectacular fashion in 1994. The giant planet's gravitational pull ripped the comet apart into fragments up to 1.8 miles (3 km) wide, and hit the comet is moving at a speed of 37 miles (60 km) per second. The biggest collision created a fireball that rose about 1,800 miles (3,000 km) above the Jovian cloudtops and create total darkness in more than 7460 miles (12,000 km) the size of Earth - and is expected to have explosive power with the power of 6000 gigatons of TNT.

2. Shadow-casting Supernova,Supernova is a cluster of stars that often exploded, and outshine entire galaxies. The brightest supernova in recorded history was visible in the constellation Lupus (Latin for wolf) in the spring of 1006. Gold tremendous explosion which is now known as SN 1006 was about 7100 light years away, really bright enough to membava and write at night even remain visible for months at a time during the day.

1. The Farthest Recorded Explosion,Gamma rays are the most powerful ever known in the universe. Rays emanating from a very remote area, but visible, GRB 090423, to reach the "world" we are at a distance 13 billion light years away! from the earth. The explosion, which only recorded less than 1 second, releasing energy more than 100 times the energy released by the sun for 10 M. And the theory is that of the Big Bang is the solar system and universe was created.

That's 10 lists explosion explosion ever recorded, there were two large explosions that at first I did not fikir entry list, which eruption of Krakatoa (Krakatau mountain) and the Hiroshima atomic bomb. can imagine if the explosion is very great and awesome above. if referring to the casualties, it was Hiroshima Nagasaki greater casualties because the drop just above the densely populated settlements. Explosion also never tested it in an experiment like Upshot-Knothole operation

Conducted at the Nevada Proving Ground between March 17 and June 4, 1953, Beru type bomb test that uses the theory of fission and fusion. Houses in the picture is located 3500 feet from the center of the explosion, the camera itself is protected setebah 2-inch layer, it only takes 2.6 seconds from the initial bomb explosion destroyed the house meldak until the
Title : 10 Largest Explosion Ever Recorded in History
Description : The explosion , whatever its form is a disaster in a life . In certain cases the explosion could kill thousands of people and...

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